Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2012

"Diary Of A Nightmare" - First Teaser!

Finally the first teaser for "Diary Of A Nightmare" is online! Have fun watching my first movie :)

And the first official Wallpaper is right here:

And some pictures from the movie are here:

And dont forget the check out the official Facebook-Page for daily news:

DreamSpy Entertainment - Official Facebook Page

Freitag, 21. September 2012

Dreharbeiten zu "No Way Out"

Vom 16. bis zum 19. September 2012 haben wir zusammen mit Dawnmovies in Garching den Zombiefilm "No Way Out" gedreht - teilweise bis zu 12 h am Tag. Die Aufnahmen sehen vielversprechend aus, wir freuen uns auf die Veröffentlichung im Dezember 2012!

Mehr News auf unserer Facebook Seite: DreamSpy Entertainment

Das Team: Maria Hammermann, Stephan Neumüller, Wolfgang Pölz, Danny Dawn, Robin Prediger, Christina Beier, Andy Praller (v.l.n.r.)

Robin Prediger und Darstellerin Anna Drechlser beim gesunden Snack in einer Drehpause

Robin Prediger und Darstellerin Christina Beier nach Drehschluss

Sonntag, 9. September 2012

Diary of a nightmare - finally finished!

After two years of working on the script, getting a team and shooting the movie, "Diary of a nightmare" ist finally finished. Our last day shooting the movie was on 25.8.2012, now i am working in the postproduction to get the movie on the big screen till May 2013 :)

Stay tuned about this project, it will truly be an amazing movie!

Director Robin Prediger with Stephan Neumüller (David Copper), Christina Beier (Shelly) and Christian Bauer (Niko) 

Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012

Cut & frag

I am sitting till late at night in front of my pc - either i am cutting all the rough material collected the last five months for "Hello Munich!" , analysing the old rough material for "Diary of a nightmare" or, sometimes, have a little bit of fun and start playing. Either some good multiplayer rounds in Modern Warfare 3 or a good singleplayer - game. Stupid thing that i already finished Assasins Creed 2 amd meed to wait for Brotherhood and Relevations which i ordered yesterday :(

Shooting for "Hello Munich"

We started shooting our interactive Youtube Webseries "Hello Munich!" again! After 1 month break, caused by much work in School (final exams) we all are fit and motivated to finish what we started 5 months ago. The complete first Episode will be online in Agust 2012 on our website Website and our Youtube - Channel!
Josiy Roy (Vanessa), Christian Draschka (Chris Keller) and Jo-Ann Oswald (Nina) in "Hello Munich!"                       Copyrighty by DreamSpy Entertainment 2012